Brendan Foley

St. Francis of Assisi has been quoted as saying, “I have been all things unholy. If God can work through me, he can work through anyone.” Francis’ words have been very consoling throughout my journey discerning the call to priesthood. At times it is easy to think-given my many flaws and imperfections-“God, are you sure you want me for this?” Yet, I have found it to be true that God does not call the qualified, but rather he qualifies the called.

God constantly sends his Holy Spirit to provide graces that lead me and care for me wherever I am. God has blessed me with certain gifts and talents that only he knows how to best utilize. I see it as our responsibility to respond daily, and in humility, to his generosity. I believe we do this by being totally available to love and serve. And yet, as unworthy as I am to be called to the priesthood, I remind myself often: all God asks is that I am willing, willing to trust him.

Each day I ask Jesus to make my heart more and more like his, and I pray that I am open and willing to go wherever He leads me.