
Discernment means interpreting the interior movements of your soul:

How might God be speaking to you? And how do we do that? How do we listen for that gentle whisper of God’s voice in our heart?


Take time every day to pray. And don’t just spend the time talking to God. Make sure you spend time listening. A lot of time. Quiet your mind and listen in your heart for God. Visit our Prayer Tools page for prayer resources including Scripture verses to help you focus.


Sacrifice a bit of yourself and do some service work. We encounter Christ in those in need and he speaks to us there. Check out some places to volunteer below or you can always volunteer at your local parish.

View Service Opportunities:

Syracuse, NY
Binghamton NY
In Utica, NY
  • Volunteer at Hope House and help feed the hungry and homeless.
In Fulton/Oswego
In Cortland


We appreciate your continued prayers.

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