Rev. Mr. Nathan Brooks

Home parish: Divine Mercy, Central Square

Patron saint: St. Jean Vianney

Favorite Scripture verse: John 6:53 – I love this verse because Jesus not only speaks to the reality of the Eucharist, he also tells us how essential it is for the Christian life

Favorite part of the Mass: The Eucharist. Every time I receive the Eucharist I am receiving the living Jesus into my life. This gives me great strength and hope

Hobbies: Golf, bicycling, hiking, wood working

Favorite quote: Psalm 27:4

Describe your formation so far in one word: Transformative

Favorite holy place: Rome, Italy

Favorite liturgical song: Oh God beyond all praising

Favorite family Christmas tradition: Mom’s cinnamon rolls!

Confirmation name: Padre Pio

In only 3 words, offer advice for someone discerning priesthood/religious life: Pray, discern, ask